Digital Readiness self-assessment tool
for managers / management staff
Anyone embarking on a digital journey needs to know where they stand. Only knowing where you are starting from enables you to make the right decisions along the way. BELVEDERE has developed a self-assessment check to determine the digital readiness of your own organisation. This involves highlighting five key areas in your organisation.
Introduction to the Digital Readiness Check
If you are new to this topic, we recommend that you read the Introduction to the Readiness Check to better understand the context and objectives:
Run the Digital Readiness Check
Or you can jump straight into the Digital Readiness Check by working through the five topic areas:
Note: The readiness check does not calculate a score, rather it provides for each question a specific recommendation to improve the level of readiness of your organisation.

This check has several benefits for your organisation:
1 The way the check is structured allows you to assess your baseline situation based on the five topic areas that have proven to be relevant to digital transformation. Addressing these not one at a time, but at the same time in the change process is a key success factor for the transformation.
2 The consistent design of the response options allows for a quick assessment of one’s own organisation into different maturity levels. This can be helpful, for example, in finding other organisations that have a comparable maturity level and are therefore at the same point in the journey, or those that are significantly further along and from whom you can learn.
3 Finally, after answering each question, you will be given advice/recommendations on the next step to take to reach a higher level of maturity. These recommendations focus on the process of change and thus complement the other BELVEDERE recommendations developed for the management level.