Subject Area 2: TECHNOLOGY
Question 4:
How high is the proportion of your organisation’s workstations that are equipped with mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets)?
Question 5:
To what extent are key business areas or resource-intensive processes, such as human resources or accounting, already digital?
Question 6:
How do you ensure the security of your IT systems and (client) data (e.g. through a cyber security strategy)?
Question 7:
The data transfer speeds of my regional provider at the main location of my company are absolutely sufficient for my current needs. And / Or: Mobile Internet access and data available at very good speeds at my various work locations.
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References / Acknowledgements
The BELVEDERE Digital Readiness Check is based on work developed by the Institute for Technology and Work (in German: Institut für Technologie und Arbeit, ITA) as part of its collaboration with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern (i.e. an initiative that provides guidance to small and medium-sized enterprises and the skilled trades in their digital transformation), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Online available at: (last accessed 19 April 2023) in German