STARS (School Transition to Adult Responsibilities and Services) is a website with information and resources for young people and their families/ caregivers. The content is related to the transition of leaving school and moving into adult life. The website stems from a project involving five partners from four countries who all have extensive experience of supporting young people and adults with IDs. The website is broken down into five areas, with a further 16 sub-topics.


As a resource to guide, inform and teach our participants and their families/caregivers about different topics such as:

1) Practical Steps related to money: An important part of being an adult is learning how to manage money. Through this website, we teach our participants concepts such as personal budgeting and understanding expenses versus income, as well as being able to distinguish between things one might want to buy (snack foods, magazines, clothing) versus things one might need to buy (travel expenses, phone credit, medication, etc,.) We also offer support and teach our participants how to safely manage their bank account and how to withdraw money responsibly.

2) Healthy Living: Making good lifestyle choices are important for physical health and well-being. Through this website, we teach our participants concepts that help them to make healthier choices, such as sleep (how to get a good nights sleep), balanced diet (ingredients to eating healthy, the importance of drinking water and how to build a healthy plate), unhealthy diet (the consequence of eating an unhealthy diet), unhealthy habits (we offer information about the dangers of drugs and medicine, smoking and alcohol consumption) Covid (What is it? Symptoms and proper safety measures to avoid catching it or to overcome it safely).

"Stars is a great website to teach our participants and their families/ caregivers about different options and tools to face this new phase in life. Leaving school can be a daunting moment for people with LDs and their families, so it is incredibly helpful to have an online resource offering printable handouts and worksheets to work on and reinforce ideas and concepts needed during this transition. Teaching concepts like money, online safety and potential dangers, etc., can oftentimes be abstract and difficult to grasp, so having a website to refer to and worksheets supporting clearly laid-out points is very helpful, as repetition is key in teaching these ideas. The website is visual with comic-like, modern drawings that help young people engage better with the information, as the content resonate with them and it is more digestible than a format without the visual aid."



Soy Cappaz

WHAT IS Soy Cappaz?

The Soy Cappaz app helps people with intellectual disabilities to learn how to better cope with daily life. This app enhances independence through example (pre-recorded videos). It is categorized into four categories: I need help – Where am I? – My Work and My Calendar.


This app is used to teach tasks that include various steps following a chronological order, as they are often difficult for our participants to remember, so this tool helps facilitate learning these steps. The participants learn independently by watching.

1) I NEED HELP- Helping the individual when travelling about. The steps taken to use the bus and arrive to work, for example. Each PID can have up to three caregivers on the app and if they need help or if they need to access any of these three caregivers, they can via the app. This is helpful when travelling in the city and the individual may get lost or change their route and they may have questions.

2) MY WORK- Dealing with his/ her daily tasks. We teach a concept such as how to use a washing machine, and then, through this app, the participant can try it again using a system consisting of self-created code bars that can be placed near the appliance (i.e.- a washing machine, or photocopier) the individual wants to use. By scanning the code, it automatically connects to the video created beforehand of how to use this appliance, so it creates cohesion and a connection between the previous learning and the present situation whilst enhancing independence. This is helpful, as the participant can use it as many times necessary until they feel they have learned the task.

"This app helps us in our work as it promotes our client’s independence through a visual, easy to use system. This app shifts the educator’s role to secondary, as the participant’s role becomes primary. It is especially helpful to us as educators teaching individuals who have difficulty reading, and difficulty remembering things."




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