- Free version available
- Learning: Beginner
- www.taskcards.de
WHAT IS TaskCards?
TaskCards offers multiple digital boards and has a wide range of use cases. It can be used to store educational content that can be made available to clients in any place and at any time. Furthermore, it offers the possibility for remote teamwork, as well as individual work in classes, as well as for organisational topics.
1) Educational content can be stored and presented to clients. All types of content can be mixed, including text, videos, pictures, links or external tools. With an authoristion function, specific rights for reading and editing of content can be assigned to specific groups. That means, that you only have to provide one whiteboard, but you can share different links with – for example – more or less extensive difficulty. Or you can share one link, but activate content dynamically, when it is suitable.
2) To organise consultation days with job coaches, pedagogical assistants and clients, a board can be set up, where every time slot gets a different card. Further information like login data for video calls can be stored, as well.

- Android
- iOS
- Browser
- English
- German
- Other languages available
- The menu can be translated into these languages
- The content, FAQ etc. is always in german
This app advertises good data protection and the company offers to enter into a contract on data processing.