Measuring indivual digital proficiency
Organisations are mainly ‘made up’ by employees, and an organisation’s performance is hence closely tied with the individual competencies of its employees. BELVEDERE has developed a course for employees that differentiates between four proficiency levels with regard to digital technology, as to provide more individualised learning contents.
With this self-assessment, an individual’s digital proficiency can be assessed, resulting in an final score from A1 (Newcomer), A2 (Explorer), B1 (Integrator) up to B2 (Expert). Once you have finished this self-assesment, you will know your most appropriate proficiency level to use the BELVEDERE resources.
This self-assessment differentiates between three groups within an organisation:
- Professionals who support disadvantaged young people and adults in vocational training, qualification and placement processes
- Administration staff
- Management staff
While professionals will see statements in six different areas, administrative and management staff will see statements to just two areas, with each area consisting of a few sections. Please select for each section at least one statement that applies to your situation how you use digital technologies in your everyday professional life. All sections must be filled as to be able to calculate your score.
Please note that all inputs are stored just for the duration of this self-assessment, that this data is not used for any other purpose than to calculate a score for you, and that all data from you is erased permamently the moment you close this browser window.
Reference / Acknowledgement / Disclaimer
First published, in English, in 2017, as “European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu” by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, EUR 28775 EN, ISBN 978-92-79-73494-6, doi:10.2760/159770, JRC107466,!gt63ch.
This adaptation is the responsibility of the BELVEDERE project.
The European Commission is not responsible for this adaptation and cannot be held liable for any consequence stemming from its use.