Subject Area 5: EMPLOYEES

Question 22:
What is the proportion of your workforce with strong digital skills (e.g. data analysis skills, use of standard and collaborative software, communication skills, process knowledge)?

Question 23:
Do you train your employees in skills relevant to digitalisation (e.g. IT skills, process know-how, communication skills)?

Question 24:
Do your managers act as a role model for you when it comes to digitalisation?

Question 25:
How aware are your managers of the risks of digitalisation, e.g. job loss, simplification of tasks?

Question 26:
To what extent are workers and workers’ representatives involved in the design of digital technologies (participation), and to what extent do they support digitalisation projects?

Question 27:
Are digital learning media used in the context of education and training in your company? (e.g. e-learning, massive open online courses, intelligent learning with the help of work process support systems)

Question 28:
What is the percentage of your employees who are keen to use new digital technologies (e.g. mobile devices, assistance systems)?

Question 29:
Are there people in your organisation who act as drivers of digitalisation or digital change (‘change enablers’)?

Don’t forget to print your result before leaving this page

References / Acknowledgements
The BELVEDERE Digital Readiness Check is based on work developed by the Institute for Technology and Work (in German: Institut für Technologie und Arbeit, ITA) as part of its collaboration with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern (i.e. an initiative that provides guidance to small and medium-sized enterprises and the skilled trades in their digital transformation), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Online available at: (last accessed 19 April 2023) in German