AI is a rapidly advancing field focused on automating and augmenting human intelligence to solve problems. Some common examples of AI applications include digital assistants like Siri or Alexa, recommendation systems used by Netflix and Amazon, self-driving cars, and chess-playing computers that can beat human opponents.
ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot. The language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code.




AI such as ChatGPT can be used to gain knowledge, by asking questions. It can also in job junting – matching an individuals skills and knowledge with jobs on specific websites.




"The best feature of ChatGPT is its capacity to provide responses that are human-like. The model has outstanding fluency and is able to have lively, clear dialogues. The user experience is improved by its understanding of natural language inputs and timely, pertinent responses. Because of its adaptability and extensive knowledge base, ChatGPT is able to handle a variety of topics, making it an invaluable tool for numerous use cases."




FutureTools – search engine of different AI tools:

ChatGPT – need to register:

Google Bard -need to register:

Claude – need to register:


WHAT IS LearningApps? is a free Web 2.0 platform and enables teachers to create and manage multimedia learning modules in an attractive form online with little effort. In addition to common task types such as assignment exercises or crossword puzzles, the authoring tool offers around twenty other task formats that are constantly being expanded by the developers.
There is a choice of different languages and a large number of examples available as OER. The resulting learning modules are small, modular teaching content that can be embedded in existing teaching scenarios.
The aim of is to increase the use of audio and video content in addition to the media text and images that are widely used in the classroom. The learning material can be individually adapted to the needs of the learners.


1. “Operational communication” is part of the learning content in learning groups for professional qualification. It’s all about how conversations can be successful and which “rules” have to be observed. With the help of a multiple choice quiz, learners can test their acquired knowledge. For example, teachers can use to break down recorded footage into building blocks and incorporate interactive question elements.

2. An intern tries her hand in a warehouse in the goods receiving area. There are different processes to be observed. The job coach prepares a text with gaps in which the individual work steps are explained and important aspects are to be solved by the intern herself. The job coach sends the learning app to the intern via a link. During training days, she has the opportunity to learn the individual steps involved in receiving goods and to consolidate her knowledge.

“My participants really enjoy being able to independently test their knowledge in various digital formats. is suitable for generating information and knowledge among learners, but above all for consolidating knowledge and testing yourself. My participants are encouraged when they realize that they have consolidated their knowledge. The playful approach also enables people with negative school experiences to enjoy learning again."



FURTHER INFORMATIONS also already has many snacks available as OER.


WHAT IS Learning Snacks?

Learning Snacks allows learners to learn in small chunks. The learning snacks are structured like a messenger chat. Information can be processed and can be loosened up again and again with quizzes. This microlearning enables learning material to be broken down into small and short units. The learners can edit the snacks on their smartphone or computer/tablet.
The Learning Snacks are interactive and text-based dialogue systems. The job coaches or educational advisors can enter knowledge questions and provide appropriate answer options to choose from. Motivating sentences can be entered for correct answers, which then appear. Learning snacks are particularly suitable for repeating content or deepening knowledge on various topics.


1. The participants in a measure learn how to behave in the event of illness. This includes, for example, assessing how it feels when you are sick. Who needs to be called and when do I need to go to the doctor? The participants have to learn and internalize all these steps in the course of the professional qualification. This information is discussed and processed in groups. Learning Snacks are suitable so that everyone can check their own knowledge again.

2. An employee works in retail and has to answer various customer inquiries during the working day. Many of the questions are similar in content. The employee finds it difficult to always answer in full sentences, even if he knows the right answers, he finds it difficult to formulate. His job coach creates a learning snack for him with the most common questions and he has to choose which answer sentences are the most appropriate. In this way he gradually learns to answer in complete and well-formulated answer sentences.

"The Learning Snacks are particularly suitable for dividing job-specific knowledge into small units. As a job coach, I can not only impart knowledge, I can also use the quiz elements to enable learners to independently check their own knowledge.”




At there are already many snacks that are available as OER.


WHAT IS Quizlet?

With Quizlet, you can create flashcards, use these flashcards for practice and play learning games with these flashcards. A flashcard always consists of the front, the term, and the back, the definition.
This app is particularly good for practising technical terms from the learners’ everyday professional life. It is possible to access a large repertoire of flashcards on different topics.


1. A trainee is trying out a new area of work. A lot of work is done with tools. As the trainee often has to provide tools to his colleagues, it is necessary that he knows the names of the tools. Together with the trainee, the job coach takes photos of the tools used. In the pro version of Quizlet, the trainee’s own photos can be integrated on the flashcards. The name of the tool is written on the back. The job coach can share the finished flashcard with the learner. The trainee can practise the tool names with a free version.

2. A worker changes work area within the hotel and now has more contact with the guests. As international guests also check in at the hotel, she has to learn some words in English that are important for the “hotel” area. The worker has to ask for room numbers at breakfast and answer easy questions from the guests. Together with the company colleagues, words and short phrases are identified that the employee should know. The job coach prepares a flashcard together with her. The app also supports the employee in pronunciation, as there is a read aloud function. As feedback to the boss, the employee can indicate her learning progress, which is displayed in the app.

"This app is particularly suitable for people whose mother tongue is not english or who have problems with reading and writing. Through the photos of their own company and the possibility of reading the terms aloud, people without reading skills can also get into a practice mode and independently expand their vocabulary."




 The learning materials can be sent to the learners via a link.

Oculus VR

WHAT IS Oculus VR?

Oculus VR is an app that is used with a Virtual Reality headset to simulate a realistic 3-D depiction of a different setting or environment than the person is currently experiencing. Someone using the VR headset to see this simulation can interact with the new environment in a realistic way, as if they are actually there.


1) This tool can be used to prepare clients for travel training, by allowing them to experience through VR the experience of getting a train for example and being in the train station etc.

2) This tool can also be used to simualte the environment of a particualr job role, for example a barista. A client can then virtually prepare a coffee or other hot drink and have an idea of what the real-life experience may be like.

"We use VR headsets in our organisation to support clients to travel to new places. For example, last summer we went to a conference in Belfast and were able to upload images of the venue to the VR headset so one of our employees, who is autistic, could "walk around" the venue before the event and feel comfortable that he knew where he was going on the day. This helped to rid him of anxietiearound travelling to new places and being unfamiliar of his surroundings. It was amazing!"




This app advertises good data protection.


WHAT IS Melba?

It is a tool for creating capability profiles in a standardised way. Since it is well adapted to the work of people with disabilities it is very useful to use in this area of expertise. A capability profile is used to document a person’s capabilities. A requirements profile is used to describe the requirements of a job. The profile comparison between a capability profile and a requirements profile is used to assess the “fit” of a person and a job.


It’s best usecase is the creation of a very broad capability profile of your client. It combines the analog with the digital world to create a meaningful profile. You can use it to either create an ability profile to get the status quo of a trainee or to get an idea of what the ideal working place of your client should be and how to adapt a workplace to fit this. But you can also combine those findings to get a bigger picture.

"With Melba you get a great overview of our trainees skills."





Check U


Check U is a tool provided by the Federal Employment Agency that helps you find out which training or degree programme suits your interests and strengths. You go through four tests on skills, social competences, professional preferences and interests. Afterwards, professions are suggested that would fit based on the results.


1) Can be used for clarification if someone does not yet know which professional direction to take.

2) Can be used as inspiration for a new professional direction.

"The ease accessible and standardised tests are a good addition to „classic“ materials in vocational training at least for some clients. But it is only in german language, technically not barrier-free (can not be used with screenreader etc.) and the level of complexity (target group are trainees and students) for some questions can be a barrier, too."




Is GDPR-compliant according to the Employment Agency.


WHAT IS Strengh & Weakness?

Within the CRM programme Quallilife there is the option to do a strengths/weaknesses analysis. It serves as a means for quantifiable assessment of a participant’s basic competencies. The system is customizable to the needs of the educational institution and their projects and should therefore be configured before first use. It can be helpful in the context of career orientation and profiling and is a relatively simple multiple choice system.


The analysis of strengths and weaknesses can be a part of profiling and can be carried out for example at the beginning of a project with participants. It can be used to identify and visualise basic competences, competences (areas) and indicators. This can be done again at a later stage, for example to check learning progress in qualification measures.

"We use the strengths and weaknesses analysis in our projects. These are adapted in each case. This makes the need for support visible. The findings from the strengths and weaknesses analysis are also very helpful for us when planning and searching for suitable internships."




Data is secured on German servers. The operating company NISTECH promises DSGVO compliance.


WHAT IS Social Analysis?

Within the CRM programme Quallilife there is the option to carry out a social analysis. A kind of questionnaire divided into categories can be compiled. The answers can be automatically transferred into reports. Professionals can ascertain the social starting position of the clients and their previous history.


With the social analysis, offer-related questionnaires can be created, such as an anamnesis questionnaire at the start of an accompaniment. But detailed profiling analyses are also conceivable.

"In some projects we use the social analysis at the beginning to get the most important data at a glance. In this way, for example, a substitute colleague can quickly get an overview of the social situation of the participant, but also changes/developments can be made visible. "




Data is secured on German servers. The operating company NISTECH promises DSGVO compliance.



WHAT IS InA.Coach?

The InA.Coach app is a digital task assistant that was developed together with job coaches and participants. In the app, work processes can be mapped in individual steps and each step can be backed up with aids such as written instructions, videos, checklists or timers. In this way, people can independently master even more complex tasks at their workplace with a contemporary tool.


1) This app can be used, for example, at the start of a new task as part of an in-company qualification. The job coach and participants can take photos of the individual work steps together. Together with their colleagues, they can record what is particularly important in these work steps and also record this as a text or voice message. This can create an individual work aid that can be expanded and changed over time.

2) If-then jumps are an important function. While analog paper-based aids must always present all contingencies and can lead to a flood of information, this digital task assistance allows steps to be specifically displayed only when they are actually needed and otherwise remain hidden. For example, if a check shows that there are still sufficient quantities of a particular product in the warehouse, the reordering step does not need to be displayed.

"The app has been kept simple to make it as intuitive as possible for participants and job coaches. At the same time, however, it has a sufficiently wide range of assistance for completing tasks so that participants with very different support needs can master individual work steps independently. Meanwhile, there is even a calendar function that can be used to assign specific tasks to specific days and times. This could also be used by company supervisors."




The developers offer a monthly online seminar on the use of the app.